Search Results

  • Filters : Filters on manupatra give you the ability to quickly focus on the documents that are most important to you. Using filters, you can narrow a search result list by jurisdiction key words, judges name, acts referred etc. When you run a search query, the results are automatically clustered under various heads such as Court, Document Type, Subject, Judge, Ministry, Period etc. making navigation easy for the user.
  • Sort and re-sort results :You can Sort and re-sort results on Relevance, decision date, title of case and court name.
  • Add to Session List allows to save documents for the current session to view, print or email directly from the session list
  • Display results provides you with options to choose to view your result with Excerpts and Case Note
  • Timeline Graph gives a pictorial depiction of the results, giving a quick preview of how the search results are spread across various years .
  • Toggle view provides for viewing hit list and document in same pane, thus making browsing easier and faster.
  • View document in new window allows ease in browsing by allowing you to open documents in different windows.
  • Save Search allows you to save your searches for future reference. You can give the search result a name by which you may recognize the search at a future date.
    • You can MANAGE the saved searches by selecting the search you want to run from the list
    • You can delete or rename the selected search
  • Search in results allows unlimited nesting option. You may narrow down the results by searching only in the results. Check the search in results button, input your query in the search box and click on Refine
  • Authority Check provides for an interactive timeline which identifies later-citing cases. It makes it easy to pick out the best cases from a large collection of results by displaying cases in an intuitive graphical format. Vertical Axis displays list of Courts and the Horizontal Axis displays year range in which case has been further cited.
    • By rolling and holding mouse over a bubble, one can view extract of the case and no. of times it has been cited in future.
    • Citation Summary shows how many times case has been cited, in total and separately in Supreme Court and High Courts respectively