m-Para® is a feature by which user can view the key paragraphs of any judgment, number of times the key paragraph/s has been referred in Supreme Court judgments, details of the SC judgments in which these paragraphs have been referred, along with the treatment given by Supreme Court to these key paragraphs.
How to use:
- Enter text to search in Manu search
- Open the judgment
- On the top right corner click on Important para icon will appear.
- There are 4 tabs,
- Cites shows how many cases has been cited by this case and their treatment in future cases
- Cited By shows, how many times this case has been cited by other judgments and their treatment in future cases
- Cited in Para show the paragraphs where all this current cases has been cited.
- m-Para® Shows key paragraphs of a judgment on the basis of number of times the same has been referred in the other judgments. Click on the para, on the top frame it will highlight the important paragraph and after expanding the para in left frame click on any case name, it will highlight the same imp para appearing on the cases where its referred on the bottom frame.
Note: this is only available in SC cases