Indian Legislation is a free service by Manupatra. Access to the database on is open to all without charge.
The database gives you free access to:
- Central Bare Acts (Statutes)
- Bills and Ordinances as introduced in the parliament or pending with status thereof
- Draft Bills
- Lokpal Bills
- Law Commission Reports
- Standing Committee Reports
- Amending and repealing Acts (statute)
Complimentary Apps
Manupatra is providing Complimentary Apps to the following:

- Manupatra Bare Act APP
Now you can access Central Statutes/Bare Acts anytime you need it. Manupatra Statutes/Bare Acts is a legal research resource which gives you instant access to an entire set of Indian Central Statutes/Acts and allows you to search the comprehensive library. Central Bare Acts is available section wise which is quickly brow sable. Just scroll through sections on your smart phone.
- Manupatra Supreme Court APP
Now you can access last 30 days Supreme Court Judgments from anytime you need it. Search cases of Supreme Court of India database using simple descriptive terms, Keyword (Boolean), Title Search. Read documents enriched with editorial inputs with Zoom In/Zoom Out Feature., Updated daily, Receive Manupatra alert on your device.
- Manupatra CrPC APP
Complete Indian Code Of Criminal Procedure is available through Manupatra CrPC APP, section wise which is quickly brows able. Just scroll through sections on your smart phone.
- Manupatra CPC APP
Complete Code of Civil Procedure is available section wise, through Manupatra CPC APP, which is quickly brow sable. Just scroll through sections on your smart phone.
- Manupatra IPC APP
Complete Indian Penal Code is available section wise, through Manupatra IPC APP, which is quickly brows able. Just scroll through sections on your smart phone.
Push Notification on App
Download Manupatra APP & get alerts notification on your mobile.

Manupatra Certified Professional (MCP)
Manupatra Certified Professional (MCP) is an online test by manupatra for law researchers and subscribers to test their proficiency in using and its related services.
Whether you’re a practicing lawyer, law student or a law researcher who wants to assess their skills in using India’s largest online legal research service, MCP is a test tailored for your assessment.
In the process, you stand to enhance your knowledge about Manupatra content and its features, which in turn help you reduce your research time and increase your efficiency.
You also get introduced to features, you might not be aware of, and which are an intrinsic part of the Manupatra database.
MCP program helps you validate your level of knowledge and experience in online legal research using manupatra services. Manupatra also provided Certified Professional Certificates.